Ubuntu Archives - 7-Views


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October 11, 2022

If you want to disable this from Ubuntu 18+ please follow following details. Go To Command Prompt cd /etc/mysql/conf.d sudo nano disable_strict_mode.cnf and add following Snippet [mysqld] sql_mode=STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION save and then restart and mysql. it will work.  

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How to install PhpStorm On Ubuntu

Posted by
March 23, 2022

Installation: I tried to install PhpStorm in ubuntu using the snap, but the issue with this is its using older version. here is the another way to install PhpStorm latest version in ubuntu using simple steps. Download the stable release from here. It will download the file inside the “Downloads” Directory. Step1: Go to Download […]

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