Wordpress Archives - 7-Views
Unblock Limit Login Attempts in WordPress

Sometime wordpress limit login attempt may lock you from login to your wordpress site. If you have entered the wrong password a multiple times. To get rid of that , we are showing you how to unblock limit login attempts in WordPress. People who are familiar with MySQL and phpMyAdmin, you can easily run the […]
Changing File Permissions
On computer file systems, different files and directories have permissions that specify who and what can read, write, modify and access them. This is important because WordPress may need access to write to files in your wp-content directory to enable certain functions. Permission Modes 7 5 5 user group world r+w+x r+x r+x 4+2+1 4+0+1 4+0+1 = 755 The […]
Enabling Support for Featured Image

Themes must declare support for the Featured Image function before the Featured Image interface will appear on the Edit screen.
Widgetizing theme in wordpress
Widgetizing is creating widget area in your theme. For this you need to add below code inside your functions.php file function mytheme_widgets_init() { register_sidebar( array( ‘name’ => ‘Sidebar Right’, ‘id’ => ‘sidebar_right’, ‘before_widget’ => ‘<div>’, ‘after_widget’ => ‘</div>’, ‘before_title’ => ‘<h2>’, ‘after_title’ => ‘</h2>’, ) ); } add_action( ‘widgets_init’, ‘mytheme_widgets_init’ ); Once added look into […]
How to Limit number of tags in cloud widget for WordPress

If your website has a lot of tags, and these tags are looking messy list inside the widget. So Instead of showing all tags, you can show a decent number of tags.